You're a big thinker, a risk-taker, and someone who trusts your gut.

You've built a successful business, and you've done it by following your vision and instinct.

You’re on the path to greatness


the business of “business” has slowed you down

Any number of things can start to creep in:

📈 Growth Stagnation

📉 Revenue and LTV Decline

Slow Idea-to-Execution speed

🗓️ Overloaded Calendar

🗣️ Delegation Disconnects

🐌 Operations Drag

🧠 Innovation Stagnation

🤖 Leadership Isolation

👀 Original Vision Drift

🚪 Team turnover

That's where

Visionary Clarity

comes in.

How exactly?

We use a custom,
one-to-one process

to discover the next big business

growth strategy
from you

This is not group coaching, trying to upsell you something else

This is a proven personalized process that finds what you really want and need for your company, articulated by an integrator / synergist.

A process called

Calvin Bagley

found his clarity

Founder of

You’re not alone in this journey

Arrow pointing right

Many visionary leaders encounter the same problem in their business.

We’ve helped visionaries, in many areas, articulate their visions into action

Tech startups

Insurance sales

Music Artists

Professional Coaching

Consulting Agencies

Marketing Agencies

Healthcare providers


With the right process, they didn't just find Clarity, they found

Decreased Turnover

Less working Hours


Increased Revenue

Who this is for

Visionary Leaders

The ones we affectionately call “batshit crazy visionaries”. What Steve Jobs called “the Crazy ones.” Usually the CEO, founder, or a c-suite leader with big dreams inside a larger company. You’re all about the big picture and ready to push the boundaries.

Growth-Oriented Professionals

If you’re on a constant quest to enhance your skills and elevate your leadership game, you’ll find our event incredibly valuable. We’re here to challenge and expand your thinking.

Change Makers

If you’re in a position to drive significant changes within your organization, we’ve got the strategic insights and practical tools to help you make a substantial impact.

Team Builders

Recognize that strong teamwork is the backbone of success? Our event will help you enhance communication and collaboration, aligning your team towards common goals.

Who this is NOT for

Checklist Ticklers

If you prefer a rigid, checklist-style approach to leadership rather than a fluid, dynamic way of engaging, our event might not be the best fit for you.

Solo Flyers

If you prefer working in isolation or are not in a position to influence your organizational culture, you might not find what you’re looking for in our event designed for collaborative transformation.

Quick Fix Seekers

Looking for instant solutions? Our event is all about deep, sustained development and clarity, not quick superficial fixes.

Scarcity based bean counters

While we very much understand budget constraints in the current climate, our event leads to investment in long-term development. If you're hesitant to allocate resources needed for the potential growth that comes after our process, this might not be the right time for you to participate.

Ready to Focus on your strengths and find your next big growth plan?

It's not a guy secretly trying to sell you a time share 🚫

This is not another mastermind 🚫

This is not an online course 🚫

This is not a webinar with a freakin upsell, bait & switch 🚫

It's not a guy secretly trying to sell you a time share 🚫 This is not another mastermind 🚫 This is not an online course 🚫 This is not a webinar with a freakin upsell, bait & switch 🚫

The Visionary Clarity journey is not a one-size-fits-all group program

It’s a unique,
one-to-one immersive process

This timeline is based on years of helping fellow visionaries, custom-tweaked just for you, based on extensive research of your business.

Phase 1

Observe The Present Reality:

We initiate our journey by delicately unraveling the intricate tapestry of your current business landscape, leadership style, and the challenges that have been shadowing your path. This becomes a profound moment of recognition and understanding.

Phase 2

Re-fire Your Inner strengths:

As we venture deeper, we light up the corners of your vision and passion that have been waiting to be discovered. This exploration is a celebration of your dreams, your ambitions, and the leader you aspire to be. We initiate our journey by delicately unraveling the intricate tapestry of your current business landscape, leadership style, and the challenges that have been shadowing your path. This is a profound moment of recognition and understanding.

Phase 3

Create the future:

With the understanding of your present and the clarity of your aspirations, we identify the shifts that will bridge the two. These shifts could be in your business strategy, team dynamics, or personal leadership style. This is a transformative phase of realignment and rebirth.

Phase 4

Articulate Your Scalable Future Path

With the shifts illuminated, we craft your future goals, updates to org charts, user journeys, wherever your unique event takes us. The outcome is more than a roadmap; it's a reflection of your journey towards aligning your leadership with your vision and passion. It's an actionable set of goals and guides for your team to build.

The best part:

This process is not about changing who you are or how you lead. It's about reigniting that visionary passion that got you started and helping you clearly articulate your big goals for the company.

You already have everything you need inside you. Our process just helps you focus it.

Get a sneak peak of

in the latest interview with our founder Jon Allen. We cover a core foundation of scalable revenue and team health.

Arrow pointing right

So what does this look like… practically?

Glad you asked

Pick your event style



4 action-packed days

All inclusive offsite location

Just you and your coach


3 hour calls

Twice a week

Over 30 days

Mind & Body Retreat

5 very intentional days in luxurious private location

Private Chef, Masseur, Yoga, Meditation

Everything you need to maximize focus on results

Quick Onboarding


  1. Your personal Preferences

  2. The current state of your business
    (done by your team)

  3. Marketing & sales metrics
    (easy to use form with explanation video)

Don’t worry, it’s not as homework-y as it sounds. Your team can do most of it.

Detailed Company Research


Easiest way to say it… we internet stalk you, but the white-hat professional version

  • Public Perception

  • Marketing coverage

  • Team health

  • And many many more nerdy things that go into crafting your custom Visionary Timeline


Finally, your custom


Visionary Timeline Event

With just you and your coach, one-to-one.

No groups, no one selling you anything, just dedicated focus on your strategy





You made it this far on the page, so…

What does it cost?

All 3 options take you through the Visionary Timeline™️ Process that is designed to help you refocus your companies strategy

All you have to do is show up and be the real you
Not the persona the world expects of you

It’s time to be known

Option 1

The Virtual Visionary:


Embark on a virtual journey of self-discovery and alignment.

Just you and our founder. Together, we'll navigate the path to refocusing your passions and aligning them with your company's needs. This is your chance to redefine your leadership from the comfort of your own space.


  • Custom Visionary Timeline Process

  • One-to-One coaching

  • 3 hour calls, 2 days a week, within 30 days of start

  • Visionary Dashboard
    (after process is complete)

Start my Virtual Journey

Option 2

The In-Person Intensive

$22,000 (all-inclusive)

Immerse yourself in a transformative 4 day private event at a high-end location. (6 days with travel)

This is more than just an event; it's an experience. Together, we'll dive deep into your passions and goals, aligning them with your company's needs.

Completely private and separated from the distractions of life, you’ll be able to focus on what truly matters for your business


  • Custom Visionary Timeline Process

  • 4 days of One-to-One coaching

  • Transport from nearest airport

  • Private offsite location

  • All meals provided

  • All onsite expenses included, just show up and be brilliant

  • Visionary Dashboard
    (after process is complete)

Let’s go somewhere fun

Option 3

The In-Person Full Body & Mind Retreat

$32,000 (all-inclusive)

Only 4 of these per year

Step into 5 glorious days of immersive retreat nestled in an luxury locale off the grid. (7 days with travel)

This package pairs you with not just one, but 2-3 expert guides. The founder of V/C Jon Allen, steering your mental journey through the Visionary Timeline, and Jamie Lee Finch, a globally recognized embodiment facilitator, attending to your physical well-being.

Through massage therapy, energy work, and crafting custom-made nourishing meals, we ensure your body is at it’s peak efficiency


  • Custom Visionary Timeline unique to your needs

  • 5 days of one-to-one coaching plus mind & body work

  • Transport from the nearest airport

  • Exclusive, Private offsite location

  • Private professional body work (massage, yoga, meditation, etc)

  • Private Chef to maximize your energy

  • Visionary Dashboard
    (after process is complete)

I’m ready for the best

But that's not all.

Even though the process itself has yielded transformative results, all 3 options give you:

Exclusive Access to Future Content:

As we continue to refine and improve our process, you'll be the first to know and benefit from these enhancements. You'll have exclusive access to any new content, resources, and updates we create.

Access to an Exclusive Dashboard:

This is your digital command center, containing all the insights and action items from our process. It's sortable, searchable, and shareable. It includes all open action items, recommendations of next steps, detailed documentation of the new SMART goals you set, digital documentation of all the sticky notes, a presentation that we co-created, a search DB of the frameworks we covered, a list of any new playbooks we created, and a clickable, sortable, education filled version of the new user timeline we created during the process.

Post-Process Support:

After the process, we'll have a 30-day & 60-day follow-up call to ensure you're on track and to address any questions or concerns you may have. This is our commitment to your success, ensuring that you have the support you need to implement your new vision and goals.

Please note

Due to increasing demand, we will be raising our prices at the end of the quarter Lock in the current rates soon

Want to implementing your big visions faster? Let’s chat.